Wednesday, January 21, 2009

static in the dressing room

I survived a 3/4 day of cleansing. I lost 1 pound and it is still off! YES! Thank goodness something came of my torture. I think I will try it again next week and actually do the 2 whole days of the cleanse.

A client asked me today how my weight loss is going. I have to say I was rather ashamed that it is not going well. I actually need to exercise now. I am really dreading the workout, I feel like I haven't worked out in so long. I have decided, I am going to do cardio tomorrow morning, just do it. I will feel great. I know I will, my little devil in the back of my head is actually saying "no you won't, your bed will be so warm in the morning and you won't get out of it to do any sweating in the basement" The weather network says -18 tomorrow, ugh, I just want it to be nice out. I actually want to be outside and get some sunshine on my face.

So I am off to a wedding this weekend. I want to go for the bride was a bridesmaid in my wedding. But I also know there will be many people from the town I grew up in. Cringing, me cringing. I just am really scared to say that I own a successful personal training studio and have people look me up and down. You know the half nod with the eyes quickly scanning the full length of your body. I actually get that so often when I meet people who meet Ben and hear him talk about his wife. When they meet me, there is ALWAYS the half nod and eye stare. Some even say, "you are not what I expected". I know, I know that it is not always judgement. Most of the time they are wondering who would marry someone like Ben (if you have met him, you would know what I mean. If you haven't, Ben is one of those creatures that lacks the power to think about what he says before he says it!) I really do have a wonderful, amazing, sexy husband with a wicked sense of humor.

But back to me, I do feel a little bit ashamed of my body when that happens. I think that I must look like some bikini model for people to think that I fit in. Crazy I know, that is why I am here and trying to get over crap like that.

Speaking of body problems, there is nothing worse than a change room mirror. Come on, who made those things. How do they possibly think that women will buy the clothes they try on when they see themselves in those ridiculous circus mirrors! I thought I would look for a nice top to wear with pants to the wedding. I am definitely NOT wearing a dress! Can you say cankles? That and I got these amazing red shoes from my mom for Christmas. I took a huge pile of potential buys into the change room. Some were very wrinkled (okay, I was at Winners), some have deodorant stains, and then the rest were all very staticky! So to top off the ridiculous circus mirrors, and the wrinkles, there had to be so much static! Any top that could have been the one, was annoyingly stuck to my bare skin. It added more rolls and bumps that I didn't know I could possibly have!!!!!!!!!! sigh......

I eventually found something nice and very conservative. Ben will object cuz no cleavage. That sometimes works, the cleavage I mean. Takes away from the mid section quite nicely!

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